we do

The IQT Group operates in the infrastructure network engineering market, offering solutions for various industries through a replicable and scalable business model based on digital and physical assets.  

Asset digitisation
and research

Asset digitisation and research are the core of our offer, proposing::

Ongoing assistance and support to our customers, thanks to dedicated project managers, several interdisciplinary teams and a network of external partners capable of fulfilling highly specialised needs, complete our offer.

The Life Cycle
Asset Management approach

  • PCM – Project Construction Management
  • AMS – Asset Management Services

The services provided by the IQT Group, in its target industries, are based on an infrastructure “Life Cycle Asset Management” approach and can be classified into:

Our aim is to create solutions that have a positive impact on both the environment and society in the long run.



optical fiber


and environment



Lavoriamo con

A2A calore & Servizi S.r.l. | A2A Ciclo Idrico S.p.A. | Acque Veronesi Scarl | Acquevenete S.p.A. | AIPO | Alpitel S.p.A. | Autostrada Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, Padova S.p.A. | Azienda Servizi Valtrompia S.p.A. (Gruppo A2A) | C.K. Hutchison Networks Italia S.p.A. | CEIT S.p.A. | e-Distribuzione S.p.A. | Enel Green Power S.p.A. | Ericsson Telecomunicazioni S.p.A. | FLASH FIBER S.r.l. | Galata S.p.A. | Iliad S.p.A. | Infratel Italia S.p.A. | INVIMIT S.p.A.| INWIT INFRASTRUTTURE WIRELESS ITALIANE S.p.A | ITALGAS S.p.A.| Linkem S.p.A. |POSTE ITALIANE S.p.A.| PowerCrop Macchiareddu S.r.l | Raiway S.p.A. | Regione Veneto | SENSI S.r.l. | SIELTE S.p.A. | SIRTI S.p.A. |Sistemi Territoriali S.p.A. | SITE S.p.A. | SNAM S.p.A. | TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. | Unareti S.p.A. (Gruppo A2A) | UNIVERSITA’ LA SAPIENZA | VALTELLINA S.p.A | Vodafone Italia S.p.A. | Wind Tre S.p.A. | ZTE Italia Servizi S.r.l.

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