Business ethics is the set of values on which IQT Consulting S.p.A. has built its policies and management systems that regulate proper business conduct.
Business ethics, defined in the Code of Ethics, is disseminated through the training of employees, defining how the rules and codes should be applied and the conduct to be adopted to deal with critical situations.
The set of basic principles and values on which all the activities of IQT Consulting S.p.A. are based are defined in the Code of Ethics. IQT is committed to instil the values of the Code of Ethics in which it believes and disseminate them at all levels.
IQT is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 certified.
In managing our activities, we recognise the importance of ethical and social responsibility, environmental protection and employee safety.
The Code of Ethics expresses the commitments and ethical responsibilities adopted by IQT Consulting and by all those who contribute to the achievement of its objectives. IQT is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 certified.
IQT believes in sustainable business development and regards respect for human rights and proper compliance with labour rights as an integral part of responsible business conduct.
IQT firmly believes in the values of inclusiveness, gender equality and non-discrimination and integration in business and social contexts.
The company has chosen to adopt and maintain an Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management System in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Sustainability principles.
IQT has adopted the principles of Administrative Liability by adopting the 231 Organisational Model, recognising the importance of ethical-social responsibility, environmental protection and employee safety.
IQT Consulting S.p.A.’s commitment to social, environmental and governance issues is reflected in the numerous certifications according to voluntary international standards that the group has received. More specifically, the company has obtained the following certifications:
Recognised international reference standard for the organisation’s quality management, in order to facilitate an increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of internal processes for growing market competitiveness through the improvement of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
IQT Consulting S.p.A. is an ISO 9001 certified company through the Certiquality certification body.
The certification obtained in 2003 was updated to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard during 2018.
International standard specifying the requirements for an environmental protection and management system.
Respect for the environment surrounding its work site and the commitment to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the activities carried out over time have allowed IQT Consulting S.p.A. to obtain the ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification.
International standard that sets minimum standards of good practice for worker protection, establishes a framework for improving safety, reducing risks in the workplace, and improving the health and wellbeing of workers.
ISO 45001:2018 confirms IQT Consulting S.p.A.’s commitment to its employees and all those who interact with the company, from verifying and safeguarding legislative compliance to monitoring occupational health and safety. IQT has recently obtained safety certification.
In March 2021, IQT obtained the ELITE Certificate of Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange), Certification to complete the training and mentoring of companies with high growth potential, eager to embark on a process of organisational and managerial development.
Through the process of requesting the LEGALITY RATING, the Italian Competition and Market Authority awarded IQT Consulting S.p.A. a “3 star” score.
In April 2024, IQT obtained the corporate sustainability rating and the Silver Ecovadis 2024 medal with a score of 69/100, recognizing IQT’s commitment to integrating ESG criteria into its business. The Ecovadis rating indicates the company’s sustainability performance in environmental, social and governance terms.
In December 2023, IQT obtained the GENDER EQUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM certification, according to UNI/PdR 125:2022. The new certification recognises our organisation’s commitment to adopting a systemic approach aimed at creating inclusive and equal workplaces, according to the areas of culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, gender pay equity, parenting protection and work-life balance.
On 22 November 2023, IQT obtained the BIM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM certification, according to UNI/PdR 74:2019.
IQT was already UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified since 2003. The new SGBIM certification attests that our company systematically and effectively applies the BIM methodology, with appropriate knowledge and skills, in a business management system.
IQT also intends to follow the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, which requires the adoption of the principles of Administrative Liability. To this end, the Board is committed to providing the necessary organisational, technological and financial resources for:
The Board of Directors of IQT Consulting S.p.A. considers the following as fundamental principles of its business strategy:
Integrated system
Continuous improvement
Risk reduction
Italian Legislative Decree No. 24 of 10 March 2023, which came into force on 30 March 2023 in implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and Council, introduced in the Italian legal system the obligation for companies above 50 employees to set up procedures and specific channels for reporting offences and violations of regulations, which guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower (reporting person) and the content of the report.
IQT Consulting S.p.A. fosters an open corporate culture of ethics, transparency and accountability. To this end, it provides internal channels for reporting information concerning personnel and/or third parties regarding violations of laws and regulations, the Code of Ethics and Organisational Model 231, as well as the organisation’s system of rules and procedures in force to the Supervisory Board.
To promote a work environment that protects the collective interest of the organisation and its personnel, IQT has established a specific whistleblowing channel for reporting illegal conduct, irregularities, crimes (both committed or premeditated), violations of the law or human rights, dangerous situations or risks such that may cause harm to third parties.
Whistleblowing is recognised as a key component of corporate governance and legality protection and an important tool in ensuring an ethical and transparent work environment.
IQT Consulting S.p.A. has activated a whistleblowing channel, via a dedicated web portal, in the manner prescribed by the legislation.
Through whistleblowing and using specific internal communication channels, workers and/or third parties may report illegal or fraudulent conduct of which they have become aware.
Whistleblowing Reports
Through this portal it is possible to submit reports of offences in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree No. 24 of 10 March 2023. Reports will be managed in accordance with the IQT Whistleblowing Policy.
Whistleblowing Policy
The purpose of this policy is to implement Italian Legislative Decree No. 24 of 10 March 2023, which protects individuals who report offences (whistleblowers).
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Whistleblowing Privacy Policy
This policy describes the processing carried out starting from the channel for reporting violations, offences and irregularities introduced by Art. 2(1) of Law 179/2017 (so-called “whistleblowing”) and regulated, inter alia, by Italian Legislative Decree 24/2023.