The IQT Group is committed to sustainable business development and regards respect for human rights and full compliance with labour rights as an integral part of its responsible business conduct.
In accordance with the Code of Etichs, IQT recognises the value of its People as a key element in the company’s development and promotes their abilities, skills, commitment and creativity, ensuring work protection, health and safety, as well as working conditions in a safe and secure environment.
Our commitment
Diversity and inclusion are key issues for IQT, since they are considered “catalysts for innovation and engagement” of its people.
Therefore, the Group is committed to the promotion of inclusive professional services, ensuring equal opportunities and creating strong collaborative networks with stakeholders.
Corporate policy for safeguarding and protecting human rights
During 2022, IQT drafted and published “The Corporate Policy for Safeguarding and Protecting Human Rights” in which it outlines the values, objectives and conduct to be adopted by internal and external collaborators.
The company recognises the value of diversity and inclusion in creating a fair working environment. Achieving gender equality certification was a key milestone for IQT in promoting gender equality.
Reports of discrimination, non-inclusiveness and human rights
Through this portal it is possible to submit a report in the areas of discrimination, forms of non-inclusiveness and human rights, according to the code of ethics.
The confidentiality of the alert shall be guaranteed.