The IQT Group aims to create shared value over time.
Sustainability is an integral part of the company’s strategic direction, driving the organisation and the business. An approach to deal more consciously with change and respond to the needs and requirements of our stakeholders.
Ethical and responsible governance
The IQT Group believes in sustainable business development and regards respect for human rights and proper compliance with labour rights as an integral part of responsible business conduct.
IQT Consulting S.p.A.’s commitment to social, environmental and governance issues is reflected in the numerous voluntary certifications it has received.
IQT fosters a corporate culture that values gender diversity and promotes equal opportunities in every work area and professional level, without discrimination of any kind. Diversity and inclusion are key issues for IQT, resulting in its constant commitment to promoting projects and improvement actions.
The IQT Group is committed to efficient and responsible resource and consumption management, which is also in line with the principles of environmental sustainability and circular economy.
Although the Group’s environmental impact may seem limited due to the nature of its business, IQT is strongly aware of the importance of operating sustainably and minimising resource use. To achieve this goal, IQT is committed to continuously monitoring environmental data to understand and improve its environmental footprint.
IQT's sustainability model
As a demonstration of its commitment to structuring governance geared toward achieving Sustainability goals, IQT has prepared the Sustainability Report assessing the social, environmental and governance impact of our Business activities for the year 2022.